Daily Archives: November 19, 2013

Does Alternative Medicine Work?

Dinny and I attended an alternative health seminar last weekend. It was led by Susan Blackard, a nurse with over 40 years experience in the traditional  medical field and alternative medicine.

Along with drinking our alkaline water and eating a whole foods plant based diet 97% of the time we learned some new techniques to add to our routine. I say 97% because we live in a society where eating perfectly is unrealistic 100% of the time. One method that  caught my interest was reflexology. My mother introduced this concept to me back in the 80’s. She loaned me a book on the subject which never got returned. Sorry mom! Should I find it in one of my many boxes of stuff packed away from my latest move, I will get it back to you right away. Susan stated that the tip of our tongue is connected to our heart and if we put a pinch of Himalayan pink salt on the tip of it before we go to bed at night and wash it down with eight ounces of  alkaline water five minutes later, we will sleep better. I tried this, and it works!

Yep! I’ll be doing this on a regular basis.

Himalayan pink salt and alkaline water 001

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Homebaked Gluten Free Tortilla Chips

My husband Dinny and I had lunch with our daughter Claire and her friend Sigrid. Sigrid finished Culinary school in New York and moved back to Arkansas. She had our undivided attention on this subject. “Got any good recipes for us?  Knowing Dinny and I eat a plant based whole foods diet, she told us about homebaked gluten free tortilla chips. I quickly wrote down the steps on a napkin and, upon finishing our lunch, we headed to the local health food store.

One pkg  sprouted soft tortilla shells Burrito size. Cumin, Organic Extra Virgin Refined Coconut oil, Himalayan salt.

Lay tortillas on a cookie sheet. Put some coconut oil on your fingers and spread on the tortillas until covered. Sprinkle Cumin and Himalayan salt to taste. Stack the tortillas one on top of the other and cut into small pieces. Spread them around on the baking sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for approximately 10 minutes.

I made Guacamole dip with mine. With Thanksgiving coming up, I might add cinnamon and serve with a homemade plum sauce. They are much better than store bought and make for a great conversation piece with my guests.sprouted-tortilla-vegan-chips-007_thumb.jpg


Filed under Vegan Recipes